Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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What a Chipped Middle C Can Teach Us About Training

Michelle Obama shared a story in her memoir, "Becoming," about learning to play piano on an instrument with a chipped MIddle C key. This story made me reflect on how we tackle gaps in learner knowledge and skills in training programs.

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Unlocking Development Through Non-linear Career Pathing

We tend to think about our career paths as linear steps toward a goal on a map. But if we shift instead to aligning our personal interests and goals with career growth opportunities rather than specific offices or titles, we become more agile — able to spot and embrace unexpected and non-linear advancement opportunities.

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Giving More Than You Get: Reflecting on Your CHART Conference Experience

Corban went from turtling at his first CHART conference all the way to conference director for Charlotte in 2024. Along the way, he learned some important lessons about the value of being involved and going "all in."

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How HR and Training Can Combine Forces for Organizational Success

Human Resources and Training can function perfectly fine within their own bubbles, but more than any other departments in the hospitality world, the results of this dynamic duo’s combined efforts can spur both individual and collective growth among your teams and propel your business toward greater success.

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Unconscious Bias in the Hospitality Industry: Impacts and Solutions

Unconscious biases can negatively impact your business success as well as your guests' experiences. Though biases may be deeply ingrained, they are not insurmountable. Here are a few things you can do to minimize and counteract biases in every aspect of your business.

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The Phrase All Hospitality Trainers Dread (and What to Do When You Hear It)

When organizations experience negative business indicators such as declining sales or bad reviews, the knee-jerk reaction of senior management may be to declare "We have a training problem." Here is how to respond, and how to help evaluate the wide variety of factors—including training—that may need improvement, so the focus can turn to evolving your company-wide strategy and operations.

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From Tragedy to Transformation: My Journey—The 1993 E. Coli Outbreak and the Timeless Food Safety Lessons Learned

The Jack In The Box E. coli outbreak wasn't just a news headline for me; it was a deeply personal and transformative experience. But from this tragedy emerged a renewed commitment to food safety and a reminder that food safety is not only a professional obligation but also a personal and moral one.

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The Magic of Storytelling: CHART Orlando Breakout Recap

Leaders today must foster a supportive and positive climate—one where team members feel valued and heard. By weaving narratives and activities into learning experiences, leaders can connect with their teams on a deeper level and drive engagement, motivation, and growth.

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Trainers as Translators: Bringing Company Culture to Life

Training is often looked at as a task and a quick solution to an immediate problem. However, if you think of your training role as a translator, you begin thinking not just about the tactical objective, but how what you’re doing impacts the entire organization.

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Three Things I Learned About Training from Taylor Swift's Eras Tour

Your audience may not be as big as Taylor Swift's, but you can still capture some of her secrets for success and incorporate them into your training sessions. Here are 3 things I learned about training from my experience at the Eras Concert.

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5 Ways to Resuscitate Your Online Recruitment Results

If you want to breathe new life into your online recruiting process so your teams are fully staffed for the upcoming season, these 5 steps can help get you the results you need.

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Boundaries in Hospitality: The Key to Sustainable Success and Service Excellence

In the bustling world of hospitality, where the mantra often is "the customer is always right," boundaries can seem like a foreign concept. But as I journeyed through my career, from drive-thrus to the luxury suites, I realized that boundaries are not a hindrance to service excellence; they are, in fact, its very foundation.

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