Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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The New Standards for Success in Restaurants - Tips on how to keep ahead of the industry curve

What chain restaurants execute daily is just this side of miraculous when you think about it. It’s an enormously complex feat to sell cheeseburgers, pizzas, tacos, burritos, chicken dishes or fish sandwiches with a uniform shape, weight, flavor, temperature, ingredient consistency and safety to tens of millions of different diners with clear-cut expectations, every single day.

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If You Do Not Have a Christine San Juan in Your Life - Get One!

At our recent T3 Conference in Colorado Springs, I became the first CHART member to complete all twelve of our training competency workshops. I was very happy and proud of achieving this professional objective, and I was also very appreciative of the immense amount of time, care, and effort that went into developing the program and creating the incredible content delivered in those sessions.

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CHART Talks: "Brief Blasts of Brilliance" #7 - Closing the Leadership Skills Gap

At the Miami Conference, I shared (in less than 9 minutes), the important role that the General Manager plays in the success of your organizations. It's critical thus that he/she is given the proper tools and that training is addressed. In our research, we identified specific under-developed competencies which are key in ensuring that the General Manager has the skills needed to be a successful leader.

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FSR Magazine Names 40 under 40 Rising Stars in the Restaurant Industry

I am humbled and honored to be chosen as one of the 40 Under 40 Rising Stars in the Restaurant Industy by FSR Magazine. The entire list/article appears in their March 2014 issue and can be viewed at:

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The Art of Humor

I was talking to a coworker last week who said she wanted a cool accent like mine as everyone remembers the trainer with the accent. I was musing about this to my wife later that night who said, “They don’t remember you because of your accent, they remember you because you make them laugh”. I asked her to elaborate and she reminded me that the first time we met was in a meeting room with 45 people seated around a large table, but when it came time for my turn, I had the whole room laughing within about 30 seconds and that was the reason that she first decided to talk to me, because I was funny!

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Why Do People Avoid Difficult Conversations?

When you work with other people, it's guaranteed there will be times when you don't agree with something someone does or says. There will be times when you have the urge to address an individual and communicate your concerns. But for some reason, people avoid having these difficult conversations.

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PRESIDENTalks: Grow Yourself, Grow Others

Recently, I invited FranklinCovey to The BROADMOOR to facilitate a workshop titled Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results. During this workshop managers learned about four Imperatives of Great Leaders:

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CHART Talks "Brief Blasts of Brilliance" #6 - Get your Social on! Key Skills for Leaders in the 2020 Workplace

In this new social media world, leaders need a new set of skills. They must learn how to balance using social media effectively with navigating the potential risk. Take 8 minutes to watch my video and learn how social literacy can be your competitive advantage.

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If I Ruled the World - Part 2

About a year and a half ago I attended People Report’s Brand Camp and was asked what I would do if I ruled the world. The idea was so thought provoking that I wrote a blog about it . Well, the good news is – part 1 was so well-received that it’s been read by almost 4,000 people. The bad news is that I’ve been getting a lot of requests to write a part 2 so now I have to actually be creative and write it! I’ve finally stopped putting it off and here are my additional ideas I’d put in place if I ruled the world.

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CHART Talks: Can't We All Just Get Along? Reasons Why HR, Marketing & Ops Should Work as One

Take 7 minutes and learn the importance of working together. In this video, I'll share stories of how two restaurants were much more successful when their departments cooperated and worked as a team.

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The People Who Matter Most

There are a lot of reasons why I’m excited to attend the 87th CHART conference in March. First of all, there’s the incredible setting: The Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. The CHART board had the opportunity to visit the property in October, and we all fell in love with this truly spectacular place

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PRESIDENTalks: Stopping the Talent Door from Revolving

I recently read an article on by Mike Myatt titled 10 Reasons Your Top Talent Will Leave You. Mike points out the 10 reasons why talent leave the organization as well as shares his insights on how to stop the “talent door from revolving”.

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