Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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Walk a Mile in Their Non-slip Shoes

Most of us in the hospitality training or operations support business have performed store evaluations at one time or another. We gathered our clipboard and pens, loaded up our ten-page checklist, and then lurked through one of our hotels or restaurants to rate a million different items on a scale of 1 to 5.

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3 Key Aspects of GM Engagement

In January, I once again had the opportunity to attend TDn2K’s Global Best Practices Conference. The timing allowed reflection and alignment for our team’s work in 2019. During the conference, I was invited to a breakfast where Gallup provided invaluable insight into their work within our industry, GM Connect. The Gallup research is very insightful in regards to General Manager (GM) engagement, retention, and links to overall top quartile performance for the industry. My conference notes highlighted these three key aspects of engagement.

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Protecting Your Training Career from the Next Recession

An economic downturn will be coming eventually (with predictions ranging from “very soon” to “within the next few years”), and for those of you who weren’t yet working in the industry during the last one a decade ago, there were some pretty brutal headcount and budget cuts in hospitality training departments. What can you do to help protect your career as a trainer before the next recession hits?

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How Restaurants & Hotels Can Prevent Sexual Harassment

Countless sexual harassment allegations have surfaced in the entertainment industry, which has prompted outrage throughout many other industries. Sexual harassment is, unfortunately, not limited to any segment, and the hospitality industry is no stranger to sexual misconduct. According by a report by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, restaurant workers file more sexual harassment claims than any other industry.

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CHART Talks: How to Get Hired

How can you improve your odds of becoming the next potential winning candidate in your future career path? In this brief CHART Talks video, Kate shares some valuable, and sometimes forgotten, tips on what she believes are important to-dos in your current position and how to get recognized over others. Don't ever throw away your next shot at being the next perfect candidate.

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CHART Talks: This One Time at Band Camp

Often, we hear about what the younger generations can't do. But Band Camp shows us exactly what they are capable of! TJ Schier takes us to high school Band Camp and shares the successes of creating the perfect marching band performance. Listen to TJ as he shares the critical steps needed for millennials to WOW their audience. How can we bring Band Camp into OUR organizations?

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5 Ways Mindfulness Can Help You be More Productive at Work

There is a lot of talk about mindfulness these days! It is a nice word, and maybe just a new catchphrase, but it is hard not to wonder what it really means and how we can be more mindful? And, how being mindful can help us de-stress and be more effective in our jobs.

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How I Planned a Winning Conference (Thanks CHART!)

Over the past few years, I started approaching my attendance at CHART conferences differently. I realized that while the content of speakers was helping in my development, if I also paid attention to the logistics of the conference and unique features that engage attendees, I benefited in a key aspect of my position at work – planning training workshops and my brand leadership conference.

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Improving Employee Performance Through Recognition

Having recently undertaken a corporate rebranding exercise, I am very aware of the importance of tying in company culture and values to team members’ every day work experiences. Incentive-based recognition strategies are tangible ways to bring the company’s culture to life and improve employee satisfaction and performance.

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Jumpstart 2019 NOW!

To help create your goals for 2019, I believe the best place to start is CHART’s guiding principles. So, grab a piece of paper, your phone, wherever you prefer to write down your notes and begin your journey to achieving your 2019 resolutions and goals!

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CHART Talks: 5 Ways to Increase Executive Presence

Executive presence is a top development area for leaders and emerging leaders. It is the “wow” factor. Although some may be born with executive presence, the good news is that it is very learnable, and we can all get better at it. Learn five strategies to improve your personal brand and ability to command a room with this brief blast of brilliance CHART Talks video.

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CHART Talks: Motivation to Learn, Inspiration to Grow

How do you deliver the guest experience with winning performance all the time? In this brief blast of brilliance seven-minute video, Dr. Mike describes how to work with your team members to give feedback to constantly move toward this goal.

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