Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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Listening For Success - Key Takeaways from CHART Chicago

Tim Hast of Encore Life Skills gave one of the most popular presentations at the recent CHART Chicago conference. This article summarizes the key takeaways for those lucky attendees at the session. Enjoy!

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The New Community

When I was a kid I have vivid memories of growing up in a community. I was raised in Bellbrook, which was a small suburb of Dayton, Ohio. Everyone knew everyone. Most of the time that was awesome. You could go to Dot’s Market & see at least 4 people you knew that day. If you had a flat tire someone would be along to help you fix it. Sometimes, if you were someone like me, growing up in a small community could also be bad because, well, everyone knew you! There was no anonymity so if you got in trouble – someone was calling your mother. Trust me, this actually happens! Also everyone knew what kind of medicine you were taking because we all used the same pharmacist, so hopefully you didn’t have a weird rash because people would be talking about you behind your back for weeks.

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How to Interview and Hire New Workers

The expertise of CHART member Patrick Yearout of Ivar's Restaurants is featured in this Restaurant Management article

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The FTA Experience: First Time Attendee? Full-Throttle AWESOME!

We all remember the firsts...the first time we moved away from home, the first time we drove a car, the first time we chased a squirrel out of our office. (Okay, maybe only Minnesota squirrels love central air in July as much as I do). A 'first time' I will always treasure is the experience I had at my inaugural CHART conference last spring in Austin, TX.

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If I Ruled The World

Someone asked me the other day what I would do if I ruled the world? Other than having every Monday be a national holiday so that I'd never have to work on one again, I hadn't really put much thought into it. That is, until I attended People Report's Summer Brand Camp this past week. There were so many talented people who are driven to change not only the way we do business, but change the way we communicate with each other and strive to do good in the world

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The 7 (yes I said 7) Laws of Learning

Let's face it - in the training world everyone constantly wants to change the way we do things. We have to have the latest and greatest technology, tools and techniques. We change more times than Lady Gaga at one of her concerts. (writer's note - I was going to say Cher but then realized I might have some readers saying "Chaz Bono's mom was a singer?!") But - no matter how many new things we want and need - the basics of learning never change. So, to that end, I thought I'd give a quick review of the 7 laws of learning. This is really the whole basis for my training style & philosophy

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Effective Internal and External Hiring Techniques

An essential read by Amanda Baltazar of Restaurant Management online at

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Perks of Hiring a Positive Individual

Patrick Yearout of Ivar's Restaurants presented at the National Restaurant Association Show May 5.

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Stuff About Training (& Other Stuff 2) - The Intro

by John Isbell...Hello all - this is my first blog since Lisa Marovec asked me if I was interested in writing a blog for the CHART Webite. I am not a great technical writer but I do like to have some fun and there may be an occasional sarcastic quip in there as well. Basically I write like I talk. If we've spoken and you likey - good deal. If not - you may want to stop reading because, seriously, I write like I speak in conversation. In this semi-regular blog we are going to talk about mostly training and business, with alot of the emphasis on hospitality. However those of you who know me know that I will likely digress and talk about all kinds of other stuff - hence the name of the blog!

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Promoting Tolerance in the Workplace: CHART Members Give Their Opinion

Board Members Jason Lyon from the Common Man Family of Restaurans and John Kelley from White Castle discuss hiring the right people and diversity training in Fern Glazer's NRN Article:

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CHART TV Now Playing Videos from Austin Conference

You won't want to miss these high-energy, short and fun videos done by Legacy Solutions!

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Wendys Staff Reboot a Good Move? John Kelley Comments...

CHART's incoming president John Kelley and People Report's Joni Doolin weigh in!

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