Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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Reopening Preparation: Learning & Development in a Post-COVID World

As restaurants prepare to resume their operations following the COVID-19 pandemic, trainers are finding that some aspects of Learning and Development will never be the same. Here are the three things trainers need to focus on when training new hires and refreshing furloughed team members in preparation for reopening.

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What Matters to CHART

CHART members' diversity is what makes us vital to our equally diverse industry. Your CHART Board is committed to taking actions that will amplify Black and minority voices. From virtual discussion forums to affinity groups to breakout sessions, we will continue to do more. Amplifying, listening, and learning is only the beginning as we strive to do a better job confronting the policies, procedures, and systems that foster the continuation of systemic racism. We can do better, and we will.

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How Working Remotely Can Work for You

When working remotely, a computer screen can feel more like a barrier than a portal into a meaningful connection. But it doesn’t have to be that way. An advanced, computer-based adaptive learning platform can help you and your team leverage technology to foster support and collaboration. Our free adaptive learning course will show you how effective this format can be, as well as provide practical tips from professionals who have made working from home their norm for many years.

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Dear Performance Review: You Need Improvement

The one-size-fits-all annual performance review has been a staple of most human resources departments for decades, but it receives low marks in keeping up with modern business demands and productive corporate culture. Here are some things to consider as you evaluate your organization's evaluations.

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New Rules of Leadership in a Post-Coronavirus World

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, there are lessons to be learned from restaurant operators who have stumbled on or innovated their way through to something resembling forward motion in this yet-to-be-defined "new normal." Here are ten of those key learnings for you to consider and to help you and your teams manage and lead your way through these uncharted waters. Spoiler Alert: Training is #10!

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Five Tips for Empowering Remote Workers and Learners

Enterprises and educational institutions around the globe are implementing work-from-home (and learn-from-home) policies due to COVID-19. But to remain on track to meet yearly objectives, business must resume in as normal a manner as possible. Here are five tips for empowering your remote workers and learners during this tumultuous time.

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Caring. It is one of CHART’s guiding principles, and has risen to the top of my priority list during these uncertain times. With the launch of the Membership Access Program, we were able to put caring into action by offering hospitality trainers free memberships and pay-what-you-can renewals.

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National Restaurant Association Offers Central Hub for Coronavirus Resources

With constant developments around coronavirus COVID-19, the NRA is committed to bringing together reliable, accurate information and resources for restaurants and foodservice operations.

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Looking to Reduce Turnover? Start with Manager Training

According to the CHART and TDn2K/Black Box Intelligence's “Trends in Hospitality Training & Development 2019" report, organizations that spent more than 10 percent of total manager training time on leadership development and/or HR topics saw reduced turnover rates ranging from 25-35 percent.

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Three Things I Learned Teaching a Breakout at CHART

Speaking in front of a group can be intimidating, but when you know you have a message worth sharing, making yourself vulnerable pays off. Here are a few take-aways about trust, connection, and learning from my recent breakout session at CHART 99 Napa.

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Why I (Still) Attend Those CHART Conferences

Attending a conference takes you away from your office and can be expensive. So is attending worth it? Even after many years participating in CHART conferences, for me, the answer to that question is an emphatic "yes!" Here are a few of my reasons why.

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Positivity Leads to Productivity - How You Can Impact it: Session Recap from CHART 99

This topic, presented by Kelly McCutcheon in Napa, shows the value of creating positivity in the workplace. Not only is it good for employees, it's good for productivity and the bottom line. In this session recap, you will learn how to implement tips from the latest research.

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