Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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CHART Talks: Tech Trends – Leveraging Consumer Tech with Rob Grimes

How can we utilize emerging consumer technology to solve problems and enhance user experience in the food service and hospitality industries? Rob Grimes uses insights from the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show to explore potentially game-changing new technology in this fast-paced CHART Talks video.

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Fresh Perspectives on Training Tools & Technology from CHART 98 FTAs

At our recent Hospitality Training Conference, CHART 98 in Nashville, we welcomed more than 100 First Time Attendees, and invited them to weigh in on a variety of topics. Here are some tips they shared on training tools and technology.

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What I Learned About Training at Churchill Downs

When it comes to training—and trainers—people and horses have a lot in common. When considering the principals of effective training, hospitality trainers can learn a lot from a visit to Churchill Downs.

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CHART Talks: The Value of Unconscious Bias Training with Gerry Fernandez

A healthy approach to diversity and inclusion is critical to the success of the hospitality industry. How can hospitality trainers embrace the changing face of our country and help level the playing field for all employees and all customers? Find out in this brief CHART Talks video.

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Fresh Perspectives on Team Member Engagement from CHART 98 FTAs

At our recent Hospitality Training Conference, CHART 98 in Nashville, we welcomed more than 100 First Time Attendees, and invited them to weigh in on a variety of topics. Here are some tips they shared to drive team member engagement.

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CHART Talks: Train for Perfection... Adjust for Reality

John Alexander draws from his personal experience with Parkinson's Disease to illustrate the concept of course correction in this inspirational CHART Talk. While we can train for perfection, we must also be prepared to adjust for reality.

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You Down with OJT? 2 Ways to Improve On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training represents a huge percentage of the overall training that goes on in hospitality. But how confident are you that this type of training is being delivered properly and consistently in your organization? Here are two suggestions to improve your company's OJT.

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A Lesson in Leadership from the "Lunch Line"

Are others waiting for you to make a move so they can advance? Just like the grade school lunch line, leaders at the head of the line determine how fast the line moves, and holding it up means that someone in the back is going hungry. It's the leader's duty to make space for those who are following.

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RIP Performance Reviews: Session Recap from CHART 98

This topic, presented by Serah Morrissey in Nashville, is very timely and not as controversial as you might think. Here are some practical tips to get you started in a more relevant and engaging approach to feedback.

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5 Practical Techniques to Increase Employee Engagement

When your staff is highly committed, customer satisfaction levels rise and there is proven positive impact to your bottom line. Organizations with a high level of employee engagement outperform others by 147% in earnings per share. Here are 5 tips to help you increase your team's engagement.

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Take-Aways from the CHART Annual Conference in Nashville

Curt Archambault of People & Performance Strategies recently attended the CHART 98 Hospitality Training Conference in Nashville. He gives his summary of the conference, topics and the value of professional development.

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How to Recruit in a Tight Job Market

The Washington Hospitality Association's Marianne Scholl recently interviewed me about what the tight labor market means for the hospitality industry. We talked about everything from the no-call, no-show interview to advice on how to recruit. I hope you find a nugget of information in the conversation that helps you deal with this challenge as well.

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