Training Articles (formerly Member Blog)

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Thriving in Place: Retaining Top Hospitality Talent in Static Environments

Growth and expansion are often major selling points used to attract ambitious employees, but how can hospitality companies retain promising talent when the expected growth isn’t there? Here are 15 creative ways that companies can invest in their current team through education and culture-building activities that will keep them feeling valued, empowered, and connected even if higher-level roles are limited for the time being.

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Are You a Futurist?

You might be a futurist, even if you don't realize it! Qualities of futurists include things like inherent curiosity, readiness to innovate and adapt to change, and an ability to study and predict patterns and trends. Does this sound like you and your successful colleagues in L&D?

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What is YOUR legacy?

This Black History month, consider the legacy you leave behind. Consider it in every workshop you facilitate, piece of training content you develop, every manager you onboard, and every employee you recognize. The work we do as trainers not only supports better business operations, but better people.

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The Strategic Investment of Franchise Training: Paving the Way for Market Success

Launching a franchised restaurant is a venture teeming with both vast opportunities and formidable challenges. A critical aspect of these challenges lies in the role of the franchisor in orchestrating an effective and comprehensive training program that takes into account the long-term success of the brand.

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The Bear: A Case Study in Team Transformation

Not only is the highly popular, award-winning TV series, "The Bear," riveting, but the character interactions also show us a lot about team dynamics and leadership. Whether you're part of a corporate team, a small business, or a volunteer group, the lessons embedded in "The Bear" are universally applicable and profoundly insightful.

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LinkedIn Best Practices to Build Your Career

More and more these days, when someone hears about you, the first place they go to check you out is LinkedIn. And when recruiters are searching for that perfect new job candidate, LinkedIn is their go-to source. Here’s how to best utilize LinkedIn for yourself and to build your career.

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A Real Talk on Food Cost Management for Restaurant GMs

Managing food costs isn’t about reinventing the wheel. It’s about doing the basics and doing them well. So, here’s a no-nonsense guide on what you need to do to keep that food cost in check and make sure your customers are getting top-notch, safe food on their plates.

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Rev Up Your Recruiting: Removing Application Roadblocks

Removing the roadblocks from your hiring processes can yield major dividends in applicant conversion and talent acquisition results. Taking the time to carefully confirm your in-person and online applications are accessible, efficiently designed, technically sound, and strategically aligned with your employer brand will set you up for hospitality recruiting success.

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"Give Me One Reason Not to 'Fire' You!" – Flipping the Script in Today's Workforce

Let's imagine a scenario in which the EMPLOYEE gets to evaluate the SUPERVISOR's performance. Here are 10 compelling reasons why an employee might decide NOT to fire their boss.

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Learning is the Only Future-proof Skill

It has been said that the only constant in life is change. With this in mind, being versatile and prioritizing learning allows us to be agile and adaptable, no matter what future skills or abilities might be required.

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Navigating a Difficult Goodbye: Ending a Partnership With a Tech Vendor

Your business no doubt relies on technology to keep operations running smoothly and your customers happy. But as your needs evolve and markets shift, there are times when you may have to reconsider your partnerships and potentially part ways with a vendor. If your hotel or restaurant needs to make this type of change, here are ten steps to ensure a graceful separation.

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Next-gen L&D Titles That Speak Volumes

The names we assign to L&D roles are not mere semantics. They carry weight, meaning, and a promise of what one can expect from a professional. In a sector tasked with advancing both individual and organizational growth, it's time that titles evolve to mirror their impactful contributions. Here are some suggestions for titles that carry weight for the L&D roles of tomorrow.

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