How I Planned a Winning Conference (Thanks CHART!)

January 28, 2019 | 1847 Views

How I Planned a Winning Conference (Thanks CHART!)

Rachel Richal, CHT

Vice President, Training | Buffalo Wild Wings

Real-life Post CHART conference Text String from me to Serah Morrissey:


Me: "CHART for the total win at my conference!"

Serah: "I  knew you would crush it!"

Me: "Sooo many comments made by participants around how far our conferences have come..."


Me: "In my head I kept thinking about how much I love CHART. I am so much better with how I go about running sessions because of it. The conversations in the room was a trainers dream come true!"

Serah: "Love, love, love this!"


Over the past few years, I started approaching my attendance at CHART conferences differently. I realized that while the content of speakers was helping in my development, if I also paid attention to the logistics of the conference and unique features that engage attendees, I benefited in a key aspect of my position at work – planning training workshops and my brand leadership conference.

Here are some key conference planning takeaways I learned at CHART:

These are just a few approaches to planning a conference that I “stole shamelessly” from CHART conferences over the years. Two years ago, my CFO asked me at the end of our brand’s conference where I learned to put these together and how I come up with the ideas. My response, “You know the check I ask you to write twice a year for CHART conferences. Here is one of your ROIs.”

Make sure to check out CHART’s upcoming conferences at I hope to see you in Albuquerque and Nashville in 2019!


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