Mindset Matters - Session Recap from CHART Seattle

March 22, 2023 | 1161 Views

Mindset Matters - Session Recap from CHART Seattle

Serah Morrissey, SPHR

Senior Director, People Resources | Schoox

At CHART’s 103rd Hospitality Training Competencies Conference in Seattle, I had the pleasure of attending Nadine Willems-Antersijn’s session titled “Mindset Matters.” Her personality really brought the topic to life, as her enthusiasm and passion for people were apparent from the start!

“What Makes You Happy?” We were asked to answer this question but could NOT say family or children (fur or human). It was shocking how quiet the room became when we had to think about what brings us joy besides our relationships. 

Nadine Willems Mindset Matters

As the group thought about what makes us happy, Nadine shared some of her tips for a happier mindset:

  1. Practice Gratitude. Part of having a healthy mindset is remembering to have gratitude for the “little” things. If we were without them, they wouldn’t seem so little. My mind went right to my coffee maker. It is always there, doing what I need it to do, and I take it for granted. Sunshine, reliable transportation, running water…remember to be thankful for the not-so-obvious elements of your life!

  2. Have Happy Thoughts. When you feel your mindset veering into negativity, choose to change your thoughts! Close your eyes and take one-minute vacations. Look at old photos. One participant mentioned that when she’s having negative thoughts, she writes them down in highlighter, then writes a better thought in Sharpie ink on top of the highlighted words.

  3. Do Good Deeds. Stop short of judging until you think about walking in another person’s shoes. Our mindset improves when we give of ourselves to others whether it’s time, talent, or resources.

  4. Stop Complaining. I have been my own “complaining police” since returning home, and by just taking a second before speaking, I’ve cut back on complaining. I also notice how often I hear others complaining! This was a huge eye opener for me!

  5. Broaden Your Comfort Zone. This is different than stepping OUTSIDE your comfort zone; it’s about becoming more comfortable with situations that we do our best to avoid.

Often, we forget to think about what makes us happy because life keeps us busy with work and family. Since attending this session, I have been more mindful of what makes me happy and in turn, have been seeking out opportunities to engage in happy activities.

The main takeaway? Happiness is a choice. Even when we cannot choose what happens in our lives, we can ALWAYS choose how we react to it.

CHART Community Discussion

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