Partnerships Overview
The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers (CHART) carefully selects partner companies that recognize the importance of people as a vital resource to the foodservice and hospitality industry. Partnership support is highly visible to CHART's membership, and can become an integral segment of each partner's marketing plan. CHART members help to advance partner companies and actively work with them to help trainers develop people and improve performance.
Partner Connect - Sponsor Prospectus PDF
Much more than sponsorship...
Partner companies benefit from CHART's reputation as a leading development and training resource for the foodservice and hospitality industry, our record number of attendees at our conferences, and media coverage of our events.
CHART is an ideal venue for a company hoping to catch the attention of the hospitality training industry - both foodservice and lodging. There are two main partnership options to consider: Partner Sponsors or Resource Gallery Participant.
Partner Sponsors
This is an ideal opportunity for companies interested in developing relationships with hospitality trainers, either to learn more about training and the needs of trainers, or to network and build stronger bonds with this valuable client base. Gold and Silver partners are eligible to attend both CHART conferences each year, and to spend four days networking, learning, and sharing information with CHART trainers.
CHART partners of all levels receive valuable promotional visibility throughout the conferences, and additional recognition throughout the year on the CHART website, and in marketing materials.
Resource Gallery Participants
The Resource Gallery is a vendor exposition held at each semi-annual CHART conference and is the only venue that accommodates promotion to members. This is an excellent, cost-effective opportunity for a vendor showcase its products and services to CHART members, while experiencing the association's potential.
Gallery participants are carefully limited in number to maintain the intimate and effective atmosphere, and are not permitted to attend the conference or network with members during other conference activities. For a detailed description and costs, view the Resource Gallery Expo page.
Can't decide if the Resource Gallery alone fits your needs, or if you are ready for Partnership? Find a full comparison of CHART Partnership and Resource Gallery opportunities HERE.