Automate and Grow, or be Left Behind

May 02, 2018 | 1865 Views

Automate and Grow, or be Left Behind

Michele Lange

Director of Training and Development | The Habit Burger Grill

It’s happening! The robots are taking over. Earlier this year, the news was all a buzz over Flippy the Robot. Flippy is currently employed at a burger restaurant in Pasadena, CA and is capable of flipping 150 burgers per hour. If you missed it, here’s the link to the story.

With labor pressures, increasing food cost, high turnover, and the general employment environment, we need to figure out how we can automate more of our processes and systems to help drive sales, all without losing the human touch. It’s important that Training, HR, OPS, and IT work together to figure this out. If your company is not moving in the direction of increased automation, you WILL be left behind. Ensure your training team has a seat at the table to help streamline your processes as your systems begin to evolve. Below are 3 areas where there are many opportunities for automation.

I hope I have given you a few things to think about as technology extends its reach. 

CHART Community Discussion

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