Training Articles

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Learning, Sharing, Growing and…What’s The Other One Again?

The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers was founded in 1970 with four guiding principles (Learning, Sharing, Growing, and Caring) that really make us unique in the business world. Anyone who has spent time on our website, at a Regional Forum, or at a CHART conference will probably agree that we stand apart from other professional organizations because of our openness, our lifelong connections, and the importance we place on taking care of one another. The stronger we make each other, the stronger that the hospitality industry becomes – and that truly benefits us all.

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How to Work with Associates on Sustainability and Giving Back

Christine Andrews of Hostmark authored the CHART Training Trends column in a recent Hotel Management issue. Read on to find out how to implement such a culture and develop a program with tangible, sustainable practices

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Reasons to Visit San Diego: Warm Weather, Great Beaches, and...Instructional Design?

Why should you attend CHART’s 85th CHART Conference in San Diego in February? Perhaps you are considering it because of the incredible networking opportunities with other hospitality trainers that can only be found at a CHART event. Maybe it’s because you want to hear our amazing general session speakers. Or perhaps you live somewhere cold and snowy and the thought of a few days in Southern California in the wintertime is too good to pass up.

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Training & Politics: Should it be Part of Your Job?

In the November FlipCHART, John Kelley poses the following question in his PresidenTalks article. Please text your response. As those responsible for teaching employees everything about our companies, should we teach them about the issues and how the decisions made by our elected official’s impact our companies and therefore potentially the work lives of our employees?

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Why Not Go Out On A Limb? That's Where The Fruit Is.

How many little decisions do you make in a day? A dozen? A hundred? Most of the time these little decisions pass us by with nary an afterthought because it really doesn’t matter if we wear the black pants or the navy blue pants, or if we go to the bank before or after we go to the post office.

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Re-Branding Your Training Department

Hello everyone - the following post is a re-cap of a breakout I recently presented at the CHART Conference in Chicago. Its a little longer than most of my blogs but packed full of information I believe necessary for re-creating and branding your training dept within your company. Enjoy!

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Listening For Success - Key Takeaways from CHART Chicago

Tim Hast of Encore Life Skills gave one of the most popular presentations at the recent CHART Chicago conference. This article summarizes the key takeaways for those lucky attendees at the session. Enjoy!

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The New Community

When I was a kid I have vivid memories of growing up in a community. I was raised in Bellbrook, which was a small suburb of Dayton, Ohio. Everyone knew everyone. Most of the time that was awesome. You could go to Dot’s Market & see at least 4 people you knew that day. If you had a flat tire someone would be along to help you fix it. Sometimes, if you were someone like me, growing up in a small community could also be bad because, well, everyone knew you! There was no anonymity so if you got in trouble – someone was calling your mother. Trust me, this actually happens! Also everyone knew what kind of medicine you were taking because we all used the same pharmacist, so hopefully you didn’t have a weird rash because people would be talking about you behind your back for weeks.

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How to Interview and Hire New Workers

The expertise of CHART member Patrick Yearout of Ivar's Restaurants is featured in this Restaurant Management article

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The FTA Experience: First Time Attendee? Full-Throttle AWESOME!

We all remember the firsts...the first time we moved away from home, the first time we drove a car, the first time we chased a squirrel out of our office. (Okay, maybe only Minnesota squirrels love central air in July as much as I do). A 'first time' I will always treasure is the experience I had at my inaugural CHART conference last spring in Austin, TX.

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If I Ruled The World

Someone asked me the other day what I would do if I ruled the world? Other than having every Monday be a national holiday so that I'd never have to work on one again, I hadn't really put much thought into it. That is, until I attended People Report's Summer Brand Camp this past week. There were so many talented people who are driven to change not only the way we do business, but change the way we communicate with each other and strive to do good in the world

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The 7 (yes I said 7) Laws of Learning

Let's face it - in the training world everyone constantly wants to change the way we do things. We have to have the latest and greatest technology, tools and techniques. We change more times than Lady Gaga at one of her concerts. (writer's note - I was going to say Cher but then realized I might have some readers saying "Chaz Bono's mom was a singer?!") But - no matter how many new things we want and need - the basics of learning never change. So, to that end, I thought I'd give a quick review of the 7 laws of learning. This is really the whole basis for my training style & philosophy

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