Stuff About Training (& Other Stuff 2) - The Intro
April 18, 2012 | 605 Views
by John Isbell...Hello all - this is my first blog since Lisa Marovec asked me if I was interested in writing a blog for the CHART Webite. I am not a great technical writer but I do like to have some fun and there may be an occasional sarcastic quip in there as well. Basically I write like I talk. If we've spoken and you likey - good deal. If not - you may want to stop reading because, seriously, I write like I speak in conversation. In this semi-regular blog we are going to talk about mostly training and business, with alot of the emphasis on hospitality. However those of you who know me know that I will likely digress and talk about all kinds of other stuff - hence the name of the blog!
For instance - I saw on the news that at Cochella (giant music festival in California) Snoop D Oh Double G, who was boppin' with the Dee Are Eee (for those of you who need translation that's Snoop Dogg bopping wih Dr. Dre) and they pulled up a hologram of Tupac and rapped with him from the grave. And I am so sick in the head that I immediately thought - what a great training tool that would be!
Can you imagine, instead of practicing on our guests with food that costs money like we do now with most of our training in the restaurant industry - what if we did everything virtually? You could have hologram line cooks, guests, even holographic food! The applications are endless! And Generation Y would EAT THIS UP! Its interactive and technological. I'm telling you - this is the future of training. Now if I could only figure out how to develop it, make it, license and sell it. Then I would be writing this blog from an island somewhere and you'd be going to the Holodeck for some training on the best new cooking technique or something like that. The actual info isn't as important because you'd be training with freakin' holograms people!
Oh well - until then, remember that experiential training and technology really are what the younger generation of workers are looking for and until they (and by "they" I mean "me") build a holographic training experience, you need to do some of that work in the real world with real people using real world exercises. Good luck in your training initiatives this month!
Thanks for stopping by,
John W. Isbell, CHT